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Checklist For Business Moves: Planning Your Relocation & Auto Transport

Moving Your Business

If you are the owner of a business, it can be a great task to move to another location. It is a time-consuming process that requires research, organization, and planning to find the proper location that has everything your business needs to grow.

It is important to break down the move into smaller more manageable tasks, so that you are not doing everything at once. This will help keep you from becoming overwhelmed by the immensity of the project.

National Dispatch, a nationwide auto transport company, is here to assist you with your corporate relocation. We understand that this is a stressful process. However, it is also exciting. It means that your business is expanding and needs more room to do so.

We have created a checklist to make your life easier and to help you know what needs to be accomplished. This list includes such duties as setting a budget, finding a location, and selecting an automobile moving company. Not all suggestions may be pertinent to your company, as companies vary in size and location.

Outline The Project

Moving a large corporation, or even a small business, to another location, requires a lot of work. Therefore, it is crucial to have a plan of attack. You must do the following:

  • Establish a Timeline. When do you want everything to be completed by? Maybe, you are looking at a timeline of one year. On the other hand, you may want to move in sooner, possibly within six months. A year may seem like a decade away, but there is much to do. Consider what must be completed each month to ensure that things are moving in the right direction.
  • Create a Budget. As you are preparing for your business move, it is important to set aside the appropriate funds. Calculate the costs of deposits or down payments, construction, renovations, and utility fees. You will also want to add in the cost of hiring a professional moving company to assist you with the move.
  • Assign a Project Manager. Choose an individual from your team to be the moving coordinator. This person will be responsible for ensuring that the move is organized and stays on schedule. If your business is large, it may be necessary to hire a person from each department to oversee the various stages involved in a move.

Choose A Space

Choosing a location and space for your business can be a challenge. You must take into consideration many factors, including what your future business needs might be. Before signing a lease or buying a property, consider the following:

  • Growth. Is there adequate room to expand? When searching for a new office space, it is important to think beyond your current situation. A space may meet your current needs, now, but situations change. If it is not in the budget to get a larger space, then consider renting for a short period of time.
  • Your Customers. Who is your target client base? Will this location be the best move for new business opportunities? Consider the advantages and disadvantages to moving to a large city versus a small town.
  • Your Employees. Quality employees are crucial to your business. Are you relocating your business within the same state or across the country? If it is going to be a long-distance relocation, you need to consider your employees. Will these employees be relocating, also?
  • Parking. It is important to consider if there is adequate parking available for both customers and employees. It can be aggravating to go to a place a business, only to have to park a couple blocks down the street.

Select Furniture

If you are a business professional, chances are you spend a lot of time in the office or in a work environment. It is important to design your office for optimal productivity, and select office furniture that will allow you to do your best work. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Outline your Needs. Before going on a shopping spree, make a list of what your office needs. This would include items such as a computer, printer, telephone, and file cabinet. Think about your profession. What do you use most often? In addition, consider what capabilities these items must have. For example, you may need a printer that can copy, scan, and print.
  • Consider your Options. Make sure you choose office furniture that is durable, and fits your needs as well as your style. There are many options to choose from in design, alone. You can purchase a height-adjustable desk. In addition, you will have to choose between multiple finishes. You do not have to buy new furniture, at all. There is always the option to repurpose or reuse existing furniture.

Determine Storage Needs

Upon moving your office, you may need to rent a storage unit if there is not enough space on-site to store all your valuables. Here are a few tips to know before renting a unit at a storage facility:

  • Decide On What You Need. Consider what you plan on keeping in the storage unit. This will help you make a decision on the unit size you require. It is important to remember that you need room to move around. Therefore, it is recommended to get a unit larger than what you need and clear a walkway in the middle. If you have items that are sensitive to temperature changes, then it may be necessary to get a climate-controlled unit.
  • Do Some Research. To find the best storage facility, a little homework is required. Read reviews to get an idea of what others liked and disliked about the facility. In addition, compare gate hours. You want to choose a location that offers access hours that are convenient for you.
  • Make A Visit. Go view a storage unit that you are considering renting. There is nothing like seeing it in person. This will help you make a final decision, and you can ask the management any additional questions or concerns you may have.

Pack Supplies, Equipment, and Furniture

When you are relocating your business, there are many items that must be packed. This would include office supplies, important paperwork, desks, and equipment. It is important to gather the proper packing supplies and start the process early to ensure everything arrives at the new location safely. Here are a few tips for packing:

  • Label Boxes. Marking all boxes helps aid in efficiency. The box should be labeled with the contents it contains, such as “Books”, “Invoices”, and so on. It should contain a marker indicating if it is fragile or confidential. The box should also have written on it the department name to which it is going to.
  • Sort Through Drawers and Cabinets. Your desk drawer likely contains some junk that you do not need and will not use. Toss these items out to free up space in your desk. You will also want to take this time to go through the file cabinet. Organize and pack files using a system that works best for you. Shred or recycle any old paperwork that is no longer needed.
  • Avoid Chaos. When packing cables, use zip ties to avoid tangling. Pack the cables with the equipment it belongs to. If possible, pack computers and printers in their original boxes.

Schedule Utilities and Other Services

You will want to ensure that the transfer of utility services is taken care of well in advance of your business move. Depending on the type and size of your business, what utilities you will need may differ. Typically, you will need water, internet, telephone, and electricity. Here are a few tips for a smooth transition:

  • Determine Dates for Shut-Off and Activation. The scheduling of dates will depend on when you are moving out of your current location and into your new business. You will want to consider what works best for you. However, it is recommended to activate utilities prior to moving in, so everything is up and running beforehand.
  • Contact the Company Early. When you call to make the switch, you will need your account numbers. Call a few weeks out to ensure that you get the date you want and that a technician is available at that time.
  • Pay All Balances. Pay any balances that remain on your account, so nothing remains after the shut-off dates. You do not want to move to a new location without paying your old bills.
  • Be There for Installation. Someone must be at your business location for installation. If you cannot be present, arrange for another person from your team to be at the office.

Contact Moving Company

Moving day is stressful, especially if you have to do everything on your own. Consider hiring a professional moving company to assist you with your move, including the transport of your vehicle(s). Choosing the right company for the job can be a challenge. Here are a few tips to finding a moving company:

  • Ensure the Company is Licensed and Insured. Whether you are hiring a company to move your office furniture or a company to transport your car to the new location, check to see that the company has the appropriate licenses. They should be registered through the Department of Motor Vehicles. In addition, you will want to ask about the insurance coverage on your belongings.
  • Avoid Too-Good-To-Be-True Offers. You want to stay within your budget. However, if a quote seems very low, then you will likely be sacrificing quality. Go for value over price.
  • Ask Questions. Do your research on the company to ensure that they are reputable. Find out how long they have been in business and what kind of track record they have. Contact a representative to get your questions answered.

Update Important Information

When moving to a new business location, especially out of state, there are multiple areas that need updating. It is important to complete these changes in a timely manner. Here is a list of what may need to be done:

  • Change Address and Phone Number. You can request a change of address through the United States Postal Service, either by visiting the website or going to the closest location. Not only will you want to change this information by contacting the appropriate individuals, but you will want to update this information with Google.
  • Order New Business Cards. Anytime you change your address or phone number, you will want to obtain new business cards. This ensures that your customers know where you can be reached.
  • Update Signage. It may be necessary to get new signage for the building or company vehicles if they contain outdated information.
  • Change Vehicle Registration. When you move to another state, you must update your car registration. This can be completed through the Department of Motor Vehicles.
  • Update Website. New customers may find you via the web. You will want to ensure that the information on your website remains up to date.

Learn more business moving tips by reading our Corporate Relocation Guide.

National Dispatch – Corporate Relocation Services

At National Dispatch, we have many auto transport services that will meet your needs as a business professional and make your transition to a new location much easier. Here are a few of the car shipping services that we provide:

  • Open Auto Transport: This is the standard car shipping method, as well as the most popular. With this method of transport, the vehicle is shipped on an open-air carrier with up to eight other cars. Learn more about open auto shipping.
  • Enclosed Auto Transport: This method of shipping is recommended for owners of luxury, exotic, classic, and sport model vehicles. Enclosed auto transport provides added protection, shielding the car from external elements and weather conditions. Learn more about enclosed auto shipping.
  • Guaranteed Auto Shipping: If you need your car shipped on short notice, then we offer a shipping option to meet your needs. Learn more about our car shipping options.
  • Door-To-Door Car Transport: Our driver will come directly to your location to pick up and deliver the vehicle, as long as conditions permit. This makes the process easy and convenient. Learn more about door-to-door auto transport.

If you are in need of car transport services for your business move, contact us today. We offer a free, instant car shipping quote on our website. Use our online car shipping quote calculator to receive a quote in seconds. No personal information is required. If you prefer to speak with an auto transport expert by phone, call us at 800-321-2051.