Posts Tagged ‘Free Instant Car Shipping Quote’

Battling The Weather On Moving Day

Moving In Rain, Snow, or Shine

Even if you plan every aspect of a move, you cannot always predict what Mother Nature will do. You may have to encounter rain, snow, sleet, or other less-than-ideal weather conditions on moving day. However, there are some ways that you can prepare if a situation like this were to occur.

Some regions of the United States are more likely to experience rain than other parts of the country. If you currently live in or are moving to Florida, Oregon, Washington, or Alabama, rain is a common occurrence. Just as some areas of the country are more likely to see rain, others are more prone to snow and ice. This would include New York, Colorado, Utah, and Minnesota, to name a few.

Preparation steps will vary depending on the region, so it is important to be familiar with the area. We will discuss general moving tips for rain, snow, and shine. In addition, we will go over why it is beneficial to hire a professional to handle all your moving needs, including the transport of your car.

Preparing For Move-In Day

Preparation is key to not only having a successful move but also a safe one in times of bad weather. Here are some things to do when planning a move:

  • Know the area. It is important to know the climate and weather of your current and future cities. This will impact how you prepare for your move. A move to Montana will be quite different than a move to California.
  • Follow weather forecasts and reports. Staying up to date with the weather allows you to remain informed. You will know ahead of time if there are any storms predicted to occur at the time of your move.
  • Dress for the occasion. If you know what the weather will be like on move-in day, then you can dress appropriately. If it will be raining, then you will want to consider wearing rain boots and a poncho or rain coat. On the other hand, if it will be snowing, then you will want to wear a winter hat and gloves.
  • Know what the seasons bring. Understand how seasons affect a move. In most cases, when you move is out of your control. However, you should take it on yourself to become more informed about moving in the summer versus the winter. Summer is a busy time of year for moving companies. Children are out of school. In addition, it is the time to move to college. Winter may be less popular, but it comes with the risk of wintry weather.

Moving In Rain

It is never fun when you must move in the rain. It changes your entire moving strategy. You must take some extra precautions to ensure that your possessions remain dry and undamaged. Here are some tips when moving in the rain:

  • Cover everything. When moving clothing, artwork, furniture, and other items, it is important to protect them from the rain. To do so, cover your items in plastic or other material that will provide protection and water-resistance. If you are moving a mattress, use a tarp to keep it dry.
  • Pack possessions properly. Typically, cardboard boxes are utilized when moving from house to house. However, in rain, cardboard can become soggy. If a heavy rain is expected, you may want to consider investing in plastic tubs. This will prevent items from becoming damaged by the rain. In addition, it is a good idea to place electronics in waterproof plastic bags.
  • Cut down on the distance. Limit how far you and your movers must travel from your home to the moving truck. Have the moving company park as close to the door as possible. This will help cut down on the time spent in the rain.
  • Protect your floors. Lay towels, moving pads, or tarps down in the house to prevent damage to the floors. To keep from tracking in, you can have someone, inside the home, pass boxes to someone outside the home. It would be less clean up and would keep the process organized by giving each person a specific task.
  • Toss wet boxes. Upon arriving, unpack your items, quickly, especially those in boxes that may have gotten the worst of the rain. Toss those boxes, so that they are not sitting for a prolonged period of time.

Moving In Snow

Snow and ice presents numerous hazardous conditions. It makes moving more of a challenge, because you run the risk of injuries. Here are some tips for moving in the snow:

  • Keep the driveway clear. It is crucial to have access to the driveway. The movers need to get as close to the home as possible to load and unload your belongings. You should put salt down before the movers arrive. This will make you and your movers’ lives easier. It will also help in avoiding injuries and a trip to the hospital from any falls.
  • Have a Plan B. A move may be postponed if the weather is too bad for the company to drive on the roads. You should stay in contact with the moving company, and understand what would happen if a delay were to occur.
  • Set up utilities beforehand. Make sure the utilities are set up and working in your new home before you arrive. You want to have heat and hot water in your new home.
  • Keep hot beverages available. Coffee and hot chocolate are good to have on hand. These will keep you warm during the move, even when the weather outside is dreadful and cold.
  • Purchase extra gloves. Keep mittens or gloves on your hands. Buy a few extra pairs, just in case. You can buy them for a reasonable price from a dollar store or other local store.
  • Unpack electronics first. Electronics and other items are more sensitive to the cold weather. Therefore, you should unpack these items first upon arriving to your new home.

Moving In Shine

Even when you are moving when the weather is nice and sunny, you should take certain precautions. This is especially true if you are going to be moving items from your home and spending time outdoors. Here are some tips when moving in the heat:

  • Beware of heat exhaustion, sunburn, and dehydration. These are all concerns when spending an extended period of time in the sun. Know the warning signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
  • Drink plenty of water. It is important to remain hydrated when you will be working out in the sun. Keep a water bottle on hand.
  • Protect yourself from the heat. Protect yourself by applying sunblock and by wearing either sunglasses or a hat to shade your eyes from the sun. Wear lightweight clothing, and take frequent breaks.

Hiring The Professionals

When it comes to a move, you have two main choices. You can either hire a moving company or do it yourself. There are many advantages to hiring a professional. Movers have the skills, experience, and tools to keep your possessions safe. In the case of an auto transport company, this would include your vehicle.

Driving (Do-It-Yourself Move):

When driving in poor weather, you must take into consideration the hazards. It is important to reduce distractions to remain focused on the road ahead of you. Below, you will find tips for driving under each of the following conditions:


  • Check windshield wipers. It is important to perform proper maintenance on your vehicle. Rain not only creates hazardous road conditions, but it reduces visibility.
  • Do not rush. Traveling too fast can cause the vehicle’s tires to lose traction, resulting in hydroplaning.
  • Give yourself enough time. Every driver must remain alert. It is typically recommended to leave a 3-second distance between yourself and the car in front of you. However, you may want to give yourself more time to react when driving under these conditions.
  • Turn your lights on. Lights help improve visibility. You want to be able to see where you are going.


  • Use snow tires. Snow tires are intended for use on snowy roads. They help with traction and grip.
  • Drive at a reduced speed. It will take longer to get somewhere, because you will want to be cautious.
  • Proceed with caution. If you do not have to get out on a snowy road, it is best to stay home. Do not run the risks of slides, skids, and other wintry road hazards.

Learn more about auto safety tips.

Auto Transport:

Going this route will mean that an auto transport company will come directly to your home to pick up the car. This is known as door-to-door auto transport service. Then, you will travel via an airplane to your destination. There are multiple benefits of using a car transport company. Here are a few of the benefits:

  • Safe – Leave it to a professional who is used to driving under these conditions. By choosing to ship your car, you will not have to drive on the road and battle these conditions.
  • Easy – With National Dispatch, a free, instant car shipping quote is just a call or click away. Our car transport quote is different. We do not require any personal information.
  • Save Money – Professional residential movers are trained to safely move your belongings. Similarly, an auto transport company is trained to safely transport your vehicle. These companies will have all the necessary tools to ensure that your most prized possessions are not damaged in the move. Replacing items due to a DIY move could become costly.

Auto Transport Options – Weather

When it comes to shipping your car, you have two main methods of transport. You can choose open auto shipping or enclosed auto shipping. Which auto transport service is recommended? Which is best suited for your vehicle?

Open Auto Shipping

Typically, open auto transport is the method of choice. This is because it is the most economical. In other words, it is cheaper than enclosed auto transport. This method utilizes an open-air carrier. It is usually multi-level. However, there are also single-level carriers, but they are less commonly used. The vehicle will be placed on a carrier with up to nine other vehicles. Since the car is exposed to the environment, the vehicle may encounter dirt, dust, grime, and other elements typical of the road.

Learn more about open auto shipping.

Enclosed Auto Shipping

You may want to use enclosed auto transport if the weather is predicted to be poor where your car is being shipped. This method of transport is commonly recommended for owners of high value vehicles. This would include luxury, exotic, and classic cars. These cars may not be driven daily and may be stored in a garage. Therefore, they are not exposed to the outside elements. Enclosed auto shipping provides extra protection and added peace of mind. The car will be placed in a carrier will sides and a roof, shielded from the weather and all road elements.

Learn more about enclosed auto shipping.

National Dispatch

National Dispatch is a nationwide car transport company with a company-owned fleet. We transport vehicles all over the country for residential movers, business professionals, military personnel, dealerships, snowbirds, vacationers, construction teams, and more. We provide both open and enclosed auto shipping, as well as door-to-door auto transport. In addition, we offer guaranteed shipping if you need your car as soon as possible.

We ship vehicles of all makes and models. This would include cars, trucks, SUVs, vans, and motorcycles. We also transport classic, exotic, sport, and luxury vehicles. We also have the means to ship your non-running car. Our top priority is to transport your car safely to its destination. We accomplish this by providing the best customer service.

Moving is stressful, but it does not have to be with National Dispatch. We are here to help with all your car transport needs. Use our online quote calculator to request a free, instant car shipping quote. No personal information is required. You can also call us at 800-321-2051 to speak with a representative.

Coast To Coast Car Moving Made Easy

Coast To Coast Car Moving & Moving In General

Are you planning on moving from east coast to west coast or vice versa? Moving from one side of the country to the other can be quite the challenge. It is completely normal to feel nervous, anxious, or stressed over the experience. You must organize and pack up all your belongings. In addition, you must decide on the best way to get all your possessions to your new home, safely and affordably.

The best way to enjoy a hassle-free move from coast-to-coast is to use the moving tips and steps listed below and work with one of the best nationwide car shipping companies in the industry. National Dispatch provides superior service at an affordable rate to all individuals wishing to relocate anywhere in the United States.

Finding The Perfect Home Across The Country

One of the first steps in any move is finding a place to call home. There is much to consider before making the big purchase. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Look to the future.

Where do you see yourself five years from now? What about ten years from now? Are you looking for a temporary home or a permanent residence? You may be moving because of a job or due to retirement. Every person’s situation is different. Consider the time and effort involved in relocating to a new home. If you do not intend on remaining at a location for very long, think about renting. It would mean an easier move when the time comes.

Find a home to grow with you.

Maybe, you have hopes of starting a family in the near future. On the other hand, you may need to house your elderly parents. If you cannot afford a home that suits your growing needs, then purchase one that allows for expansion. Being able to see the bigger picture will greatly aid you in the home-buying process.

Consider your lifestyle and personality.

Look for a home that meets not just your needs but your wants, as well. There are many different types of homes, including condominiums, townhouses, single family homes, and apartments. Not everyone prefers the same type of home. Consider your personality and how you would prefer to live. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you own a pet? When you are a pet owner, you must also take into consideration the happiness of your animal. An apartment or condominium may not provide ample space for a large dog to run around.
  • Would you prefer a lawn? One downside of owning a home is the upkeep and maintenance involved. If you do not mind mowing the grass, then a house will suit your lifestyle. On the other hand, if you hate the thought of doing yard work of any kind, another style home may better suit your needs.
  • Do you prefer your privacy? Sharing a wall with a neighbor is not for everyone. Some people prefer their space. If you can not handle the possibility of noisy neighbors, then an apartment may not be the home for you.

Research the neighborhood and community.

When you move to a new city, you will see differences in the cost of living, climate, employment rate, safety, and culture. Researching the area you intend on moving to can help prepare you for the big change. If you can visit the location, then you will be able to explore, firsthand, and decide on a location you wish to reside in. This may not be possible, though, because cross country moves are quite far. Take into consideration the schools, medical care, and recreational activities in the area.

Purchase a home within budget.

Calculate your monthly expenses and income. Then, set a budget for finding a home within a certain price range. This way you know what you are comfortable paying for a house and what you can afford financially. Remember to calculate for car moving costs, general moving costs and future expenses, as well. If you intend on buying a fixer-upper, estimate the total costs to renovate the property. Remember that housing costs vary by community, neighborhood, and region.

Be reasonable.

There is nothing wrong with being picky during the home buying process. However, if you are shooting down home after home or not even considering a property, you may be missing out on your dream house. You may have limited options if you decide to be too choosy. It is important to keep an open-mind during the home-buying process. That does not mean settling for a home that you will not be happy in.

Moving A Car Coast-To-Coast

A coast-to-coast move is one of the most difficult moves to undergo due to the distance. Moving from New York to California is nearly a 3,000 mile journey through multiple states. It will involve several days in the car, driving from east coast to west coast. What if there was an alternative option available? Well, there is.

Rather than driving, many home movers choose to transport their car using a professional auto transport company. It is a safe, fast, and easy form of transportation that will save you time. The steps to shipping your vehicle using a long-distance car shipping company is easy. It will involve: Doing Your Homework, Choosing Auto Transport Services, Requesting A Quote, and Preparing A Vehicle For Transport.

Find The Right Car Moving Company – Doing Your Homework

There are thousands of auto transport companies to choose from, and it is up to you to pick the right one for the job. You can not trust your car with just any car moving company. It is important to find a reliable company that you will be comfortable handing your keys over to. This is accomplished through proper research. Check out the company’s online presence to ensure that they are reputable. Before hiring a company, be sure that they are licensed, insured, and bonded. Look around the company’s website, and call to speak with a representative. You can get any of your questions answered, regarding deposits, insurance, and rates. Learn more information about finding a car moving company.

Choosing Car Moving Services

Once you have found a reputable company, the next step is to determine the services you will need to transport your vehicle. At National Dispatch, we offer an extensive list of services to meet the unique needs of our customers. Here are some of the services that we provide:

  • Door-to-door moving: Our drivers will deliver the vehicle directly to your home, as long as conditions permit. This makes auto transport an easy and convenient option.
  • Open car moving: If you are looking to ship your family car, truck, van, or SUV, you will likely use this method. It is the most popular form of transportation, as it is affordable and safe. The vehicle will be transported on an open-air carrier, which is capable of hauling up to nine cars at one time.
  • Enclosed car moving: If you want your car to be shielded from the weather and outside elements, then shipping via an enclosed carrier is the way to go. However, this option is more expensive than the alternative. Enclosed auto transport is often used when you have a car that…
    • Does not get driven often
    • Is stored in the garage
    • Has an expensive paint job
    • Is a luxury, sports, or classic model
  • Non-running car moving: To transport a vehicle that is inoperable, special equipment is required. At National Dispatch, we have the means to ship your car, even if it does not run.
  • Top-loading: Top-loading is an additional service many auto transport companies offer their customers. It means that your car will be positioned on the top level of the transport truck. This reduces the chances of any encounters with dirt, dust, and grime during transit.
  • Guaranteed shipping: Are you shipping on short notice? Do you need your car as soon as possible? No need to worry with our guaranteed shipping option. This option may cost more than our other methods, but it is well worth the cost due to the added convenience.

Requesting A Car Moving Quote

Move your automobile safely and quickly with National Dispatch. It all starts by requesting a car moving quote on our website at or by calling us at 800-321-2051. We offer an easy-to-use quote calculator that requires absolutely no personal information. Here is how to get your free quote today:

  1. Enter your vehicle make.
  2. Input your vehicle model.
  3. Enter your pickup location (Zipcode or City and State).
  4. Input your delivery location (Zipcode or City and State).
  5. Get a Free, Instant Quote.

Car moving rates differ throughout the industry. There are numerous variables involved in calculating a quote, including distance, location, type of vehicle, and services. We make it as simple as possible to receive a rate by only asking for four fields of information. Learn more information about car shipping rates.

Preparing A Car For Moving

Before loading your vehicle onto the carrier and transporting it to its destination, there are some preparation procedures to take care of. Here are some tasks that should be accomplished before the driver’s arrival:

  • Remove all belongings from the car.
  • Clean the exterior of the vehicle, so that an inspection report can be completed.
  • Keep 1/4 to 1/2 tank of gas in the car.
  • Remove all toll road stickers.
  • Conduct necessary car maintenance.
  • Remove luggage, bike, and ski racks.

Coast To Coast Helpful Moving Tips

There are many difficulties that come with a long-distance move. We want your move to go as smooth as possible. Therefore, we have assembled a few tips to aid you in the process. Check them out, below:

  • Do not do everything, yourself. When it comes to a local move, you can complete a lot of the tasks on your To-Do list on your own. If you are moving down the street, you can even transport your belongings to your home, yourself. A coast to coast move is different. It is difficult to come back to get an item if you forget it. Furthermore, it is a long journey to make alone. Hire professionals to do the work for you. You won’t regret it.
  • Get rid of stuff you don’t want or need. Sort through your belongings. Pack only the items that you see yourself using in the future. This will be a huge space-saver in your new home. In addition, it means less stuff you have to haul from Point A to Point B. If you choose to host a yard sale, you could make some extra bucks to put towards moving expenses.
  • Protect your valuables. Invest in proper packing materials. This means getting strong cardboard boxes that can handle the long move. You also want to be sure that each item is protected with newspaper, bubble wrap, packing peanuts, etc. You could even use items around your house, such as blankets and towels, to wrap breakables. It does not matter, so long as everything is protected in the move.
  • Start early. A move is stressful, but anyone can feel a little more stressed when under pressure. Do not put everything off until the last minute. This includes packing, making travel arrangements, and booking auto transport.

Long-Distance Car Move With National Dispatch

Moving your car across the country does not have to be a challenge, and it does not have to be stressful. National Dispatch offers insured, licensed, and trackable nationwide car shipping services. By choosing to transport with us, you will receive peace of mind. Your vehicle will be in the best hands and will be delivered safely and quickly to its destination.

We cater our services to meet your needs. We have shipped vehicles for vacationers, military personnel, construction teams, corporations, and more. In addition, we transport all types of automobiles, including family cars, trucks, SUVs, vans, and motorcycles. This would extend to include luxury, classic, and exotic models, as well. We can even transport a non-running car.

If you have questions regarding our auto transport services, we encourage you to contact us at 800-321-2051. We also offer a free, instant car shipping quote on our website at

Car Shipping Rates: The First Step In Car Shipping

New To The Car Shipping Experience

Getting belongings, such as clothes and furniture, to a new home is only one challenge associated with moving. Most individuals own at least one vehicle, which will need to get to the new home, as well. There are several options to transporting the car to its new location. You can drive it there, yourself, or have someone else drive it there for you.

However, neither option compares to the auto transport experience. Sometimes it is not possible to drive the car due to distance, scheduling, or other moving arrangements. This is where National Dispatch comes in. We aim to provide an easier, faster, and safer solution while also offering affordable car shipping rates.

If you have never shipped a vehicle before, you probably are unfamiliar with the car shipping process. You have no idea where to even start. All you are sure of is that you need to get your car from Point A to Point B with the help of a reliable auto transport company.

Put Your Trust In National Dispatch

It can often be difficult to trust another individual with your vehicle. This is because many view their cars as if they were their “babies”. It is completely understandable. After all, not only have you invested money into your car, but you rely on your car on a daily basis to get you from place to place.

National Dispatch has years of experience transporting all kinds of automobiles across the United States. We provide licensed, insured, and expedited auto transport services. We make it our top priority to get your car where it needs to go, when it needs to get there without incident. National Dispatch specializes in many different auto transport areas, meaning we can ship your car, truck, SUV, van, or motorcycle. Specialty vehicles, such as classic, exotic, or luxury models, are no problem for our team. We often ship for repeat customers, which speaks to their satisfaction with our level of service. You can rest easy knowing that your car will reach its destination safely and on time.

Now that you are more familiar with who we are, let’s explore everything there is to know about vehicle shipping rates.

Car Shipping Estimate Calculator: What To Expect

When you need to ship your car, you will likely want to spend a little extra time researching to find the right company for you. Throughout the research process, you will want to determine the types of services you need. This will make for a smooth auto transport experience. You will also want to speak with a representative who works with the company to learn more about your options.

One of the most important areas many individuals are concerned with is price. How much will it cost to ship my car? You will most likely want to get several quotes from various auto transport companies. However, price should not be your only concern. You should focus on quality and service, as well.

Why Request A Quote?

  • Quick and Easy. National Dispatch provides an online car shipping estimate calculator on the homepage. We aim to make the auto transport process as simple as possible for you. Therefore, we have created an easy-to-use system.
  • Free and Instant. After submitting a form, you will receive a vehicle shipping rate, in a matter of seconds, not hours or days. Other competitors in the industry make you wait for an email response, but we do not.
  • No Personal Information. Unlike other companies that require you to input personal information, such as your email, phone number, or address, we only require four simple fields. All you must do is put in the make and model of your vehicle, in addition to the pickup and delivery locations.
  • Hassle-Free. Since we do not ask for any personal information, we will not hassle you with phone calls or emails. You can relax knowing that you are requesting a free vehicle shipping quote with no strings attached.
  • Provides An Estimated Cost. A car shipping estimate calculator provides a general estimate of the cost to ship your vehicle. However, pricing may change. To lock in your quote, call and book transport services today.
  • Can Add Extra Services. You can adjust your quote by choosing additional services, such as enclosed auto shipping, inoperable vehicle transport, or guaranteed shipping for an additional fee. This allows you to see how these added services may affect your quote.

A car shipping quote calculator is great when you are first starting the process. The calculator gives you an idea of how much it will cost to transport the vehicle from one state to another. It is important to remember that there are many variables involved in a vehicle shipping rate. For a more personalized quote, call us at 800-321-2051. Our auto transport specialists will provide you with a quote that is perfect for your needs.

How Much Will It Cost To Ship My Car?

As we mentioned before, there are many variables involved in the creation of a car shipping rate. For this reason, it cannot be a fixed cost. You can spend anywhere between a few hundred dollars upwards to one thousand dollars or more. Let’s take a look at the areas that will affect the price of auto shipping.

Vehicle Make, Model, and Condition

Any quote form that you fill out from an auto transport company will ask for information about the vehicle. You will need to know the make and model to receive a free quote from National Dispatch. You must consider the size of the vehicle. This is because truckers must account for weight on their truck. Larger vehicles weigh more and take up more space than compact cars. Additional information, such as the condition (operable versus inoperable) will aid in providing a more personalized quote. Non-operable vehicles are more difficult to load and often require special equipment. Therefore, these cars cost more to transport. The vehicle shipping rate will be different for a car that you can steer, roll, and brake than for one that does not roll at all. When booking auto transport services, you may also need to know the mileage from the odometer. All of this information helps the company know the value of the vehicle, which contributes to the cost to ship.


Some of the most important pieces of information are where the car is being shipped to and from. Distance is an important factor in your vehicle shipping rate. Obviously, a vehicle that has to be shipped nationwide is going to cost more than one that is being transported statewide. However, you must also take into account how close these pickup and delivery locations are to the main highways. Truckers can easily drive their trucks for miles on a stretch of straight highway. When you stray from the main routes, it is a different story. Some neighborhoods can be difficult for drivers to maneuver large trucks, due to narrow streets or low power lines. This may impact your rate, but do not fret. It will not affect your delivery. The drivers at National Dispatch do their very best to provide door-to-door auto transport service. If they cannot meet this demand, then they will meet you in a nearby location that suits both of you.

Open Versus Enclosed

You have two primary options when choosing how to transport your vehicle. You can go with the standard delivery method of open auto transport. With this service, your car will be transported with up to eight other cars on an open-air transport carrier. The other option is enclosed auto transport, in which the vehicle will be shipped in a fully-enclosed trailer with sides and a roof. The car will be protected from all weather and road elements. Owners of high-end classic, exotic, and luxury models tend to use this form of transport. However, it is available for any customer. Enclosed auto transport is the more expensive option of the two, because it provides a higher level of protection for the vehicle. Whichever option you decide to go with, your car will be transported in the safest manner possible.

Additional Factors

There are more variables that affect your quote than just the vehicle type and condition, location, and delivery method. Here are a few smaller areas that might alter the price:

  • Guaranteed Shipping. At National Dispatch, we offer three shipping options to fit your needs. Guaranteed shipping is for individuals who are booking last minute or who need their car guaranteed by a certain date range. Requesting to have your car picked up and delivered on and by a specific date will increase the rate.
  • Time Of Year. Summer is the most popular time of year to transport a car for the industry. Not as many people move their vehicles in the winter. Due to this increase in demand, you may see an increase in price.
  • Top Loading. You may have never heard of the term “top loading”. It refers to when a car is positioned on the top level of a two-level carrier. Some individuals prefer this position, because the car is less likely to gather dirt, dust, and grime from the road. You should consider if you require a special request, such as this one, before booking auto shipping services.

Call Or Click Today

Requesting a free car shipping quote is easy. We have outlined the steps for you below if you intend on using our car shipping estimate calculator. You may also call us at 800-321-2051. We are more than happy to assist you and answer any questions you may have.

Getting a quote:

  1. Go to our website at
  2. You will see GET AN INSTANT QUOTE.
  3. Select Vehicle Make from the drop down menu.
  4. Select Vehicle Model from the drop down menu.
  5. Input the Zipcode or City AND State of the Pickup Location.
  6. Input the Zipcode or City AND State of the Delivery Location.
  7. Click Get A Quote.
  8. You will receive your quote in a matter of seconds.

*You will have the choice to choose between three different shipping options. Priority shipping will automatically be selected. In addition, you will have the option to choose between enclosed and open auto transport, as well as inoperable and operable vehicle shipping.

What Does Car Shipping Involve?

You may be wondering what would happen after you book auto shipping. We will give you a short explanation of how the process would work. You would call to request car shipping with the services that you need. We would notify you before arrival. Before the car is shipped, you would take the necessary preparation steps to ensure a safe and smooth auto transport process. The driver will do his best to come directly to your location with door-to-door auto transport. Upon arrival, you will conduct a vehicle inspection with the driver. This is to complete a condition report of the vehicle before transport, in case any unforeseen circumstances were to occur. The vehicle will be loaded onto the carrier for safe travels to its destination. In transit, you have no need to worry, because we will treat your car as if it were our own. While flying to your new home, your car will be making its journey across the states. We will deliver the vehicle safely to its new home.

National Dispatch offers auto transport services at a rate that you can afford. We focus on your needs, aiming to provide superior customer service. Relocating to a new home can be difficult and stressful. Car shipping is not only an easy, fast, and safe solution, but it provides an individual with peace of mind knowing that their car is being taken care of. The first step in shipping your vehicle is obtaining a quote from a reliable company. The best way to do this is to either use an online quote calculator or call to speak with a representative.

Start by using our online quote calculator. If you would like to book auto transport services, call National Dispatch today at 800-321-2051. We look forward to your call.

7 Classic Car Shipping Tips Every Owner Must Know

Why Should You Ship Your Classic Car?

Did you recently purchase a classic vehicle? Or, maybe you are moving and want to take your 1963 Corvette Sting Ray with you. The only problem is that the vehicle or the move is a few states away. You could transport the car, yourself, with a truck and trailer. However, the easiest and safest option is to use an auto transport company.

Shipping the vehicle, rather than driving it, reduces the chance of accident and depreciation. After you add up a number of driving expenses, such as lodging, gas, and food, it makes more sense to transport. You will also be saving yourself time and energy.

Finding a reliable and trustworthy company to transport your vehicle can be difficult. After all, your classic car has been an investment of both your time and money. You would do anything to protect your most valuable possession. In this post, you will find tips on shipping your classic vehicle, as well as a few classic car care tips.

What Makes A Car A Classic?

Is it age, model, or popular opinion that defines a vehicle as a classic? To put it simply, a classic car is an “old” automobile. However, experts in classic cars have more specific characteristics of what makes a vehicle a classic.

Many organizations have created categories of classic, antique, and vintage. The category the vehicle is placed into is dependent upon the age of the vehicle. For example, a classic may be defined as being between 25 and 50 years old. Organizations and clubs differ in their definitions.

You may wonder why this is important. This is important for future buyers and current owners. Each classic car insurance and lending agency has established their own definition of a classic vehicle. Therefore, it is important to understand the company’s definition before making a purchase. The DMV of each state has also set guidelines for registering a classic vehicle or obtaining a classic vehicle license plate.

Classic Car Shipping Tips

In general, no matter what type of vehicle you are shipping, the process is similar. The process for shipping a car, including a classic model, is as follows:

  1. Go online to request a quote using the free online quote calculator or call 800-321-2051. At National Dispatch, no personal information is ever required. Just fill out four simple fields and receive your quote in seconds!
  2. Book your auto transport service to have your vehicle shipped. Short on time? Choose an expedited shipping option at an extra fee.
  3. Prepare the car for shipping. The driver is responsible for taking care of your vehicle during transit. On the other hand, you are responsible for getting it ready to be shipped before the driver’s arrival.
  4. Perform an inspection with the driver and sign necessary forms upon pick-up of the vehicle.
  5. A final inspection on the vehicle’s condition after transport is conducted. This is to ensure no damages occurred during auto transport.

You have decided that shipping your classic model is the best option for you. It is time to book auto transport services. We have gathered a few tips for you to keep in mind during the whole process to ensure that you receive the best experience.

Here are 7 Tips For Shipping Your Classic Car:

  1. Know the company. It is hard to trust someone else with your vehicle. Therefore, it is important to find out everything you can about the company that is going to be hauling your vehicle. You want a company that has the proper equipment, knowledge, and years of experience in the industry. Look at the company’s website to ensure that they are credible and trustworthy. You want to make sure that you find the right car shipping company to transport your priceless antique. For more information on how to research and what to look for, read How to Choose An Auto Transport Company.
  2. Do not wait until the last minute to book. It can take several days to a few weeks to ship your car, depending on the shipping option you choose. Therefore, it is important to not waste anytime. As soon as you have made a final decision, book with the auto transport company, and put it on your calendar as a reminder. This way everything is taken care of ahead of time, so you do not feel rushed. Procrastination often leads to unnecessary stress.
  3. Decide on the transport service you want. There are two primary options to choose from, which are open auto transport and enclosed auto transport. Open auto transport is the standard car shipping option, in which the car will be shipped with up to eight other vehicles on an open-air trailer. With this option, there is the small risk that the vehicle could become damaged or dirty from road debris. However, top-load placement reduces the risks from dirt and debris. Enclosed auto transport is more expensive, but it provides more protection. Some trucks even offer power lift-gates, which limits the handling of the vehicle even more. When weighing the two options, one must take into consideration their budget and the level of service they wish to receive.
  4. Do not choose solely on price. Quality over quantity. Do not choose a company just because they offer the lowest price. Often times, you get what you pay for in the quality of the service. If you want the best service for  your valuable car, you must invest a little more to give your vehicle what it deserves. Look at another aspect of the company, such as the number of years that they have been in business.
  5. Understand the insurance coverage. Ask the auto transport company about their insurance policy to find out what is and is not covered in the case of an accident. Ask for a copy of the policy to be emailed or printed out, so that you can review it. Get all your questions answered. Some common questions include: What does the insurance cover? What types of accidents, events, or damages are NOT covered? Check with your own insurance company to see if the vehicle is covered during shipping.
  6. Follow important preparation procedures. There are several important tasks that should be completed before shipping your car. Prior to shipping, the car should contain only ¼ tank of gas. Perform up-to-date maintenance, especially if there are any fluid leakage problems. It is important to fix these problems, so that your vehicle is not placed above another car in transport and potentially cause damage. All valuables should be removed from the vehicle. Prepare written handling instructions for the driver, so that the driver will know of any special tricks to operating the vehicle. An inspection, with the driver, will be performed before and after auto transport. You may even want to take pictures of your car from a variety of angles. For more helpful tips, read Preparing Your Car for Shipping in 10 Easy Steps.
  7. Be available during transport. The driver will notify you with updates along the way, so it is important to remain accessible. Some locations with narrow streets are difficult for the driver to maneuver the large truck. If this were to be the case, the driver would communicate with you to determine an easier place to drop off the car. You are also free to call the driver with any questions you may have.

How Much Does It Cost?

The price to ship a classic car depends on many factors. These include the following:

  • Distance from pick-up site to drop-off site
  • Vehicle make and model
  • Vehicle condition: operable vs. non-operable
  • Transport service: open vs. enclosed
  • Time of year (demand)

Depending on these factors, shipping your classic car could cost you anywhere from a few hundred dollars to more than one thousand dollars. On average, you will spend between $300-$500 more for enclosed auto transport than for open auto transport. If keeping your car out of the elements is important to you, then enclosed is the way to go. If you are the owner of a soft-top convertible, enclosed provides a safer option. Expedited shipping will also cost more, because the company is reserving a spot on the truck for your car in a limited time frame.

Classic Car Care Tips

With Summer just around the corner, you are eager to get behind the wheel and show off your classic model to the world. Summer provides the perfect opportunity to put the top down and cruise around town. Now, it’s time to unveil the beauty that has been hidden during the wintry months. Before hitting the road, there is some general car care to take of.

Here are a few tips to ensure that your classic car is looking and running its best:

  • Protect the paint. Liven up those reds, blues, yellows, and greens with a fresh paint job. Maybe the paint is not faded, it could just use a good scrubbing. Wash and wax your vehicle before taking it for a spin. This way it will look shiny for all onlookers.
  • Protect the interior. It is not just the exterior that should be in great shape. When you take it out on the town, people will want to see the interior, as well. Protect your vehicle’s interior by using a protectant and sunshade. You do not want your leather seats to peel and crack.
  • Perform necessary car maintenance. Perform any needed servicing on your car at the start of the Summer season. Here are some car maintenance tasks to put at the top of your to-do list:
    • Check the tire tread and pressure
    • Change the oil and filter
    • Check hoses and belts for cracks
    • Replace windshield wipers
    • Check battery
    • Check air conditioning
  • Let it run. Allow the car to run for a couple of minutes before driving it. If the vehicle has been sitting for a while, plan on driving it for thirty minutes or more.

When winter comes around, you will want to protect your vehicle from the extreme cold. Check out our Guide To Winterizing Your Classic Car.

Upcoming Classic Car Shows

Now, your vehicle is in perfect condition for the next car show. A car show provides the opportunity to share your classic model with enthusiasts who love the cars as much as you do. We have assembled a short list of some of the upcoming classic car shows on the east and west coast.

  • Rockabillaque Annual Classic Car & Vintage Motorcycle Show: The event is located in Charleston, South Carolina in November. There is live music, a beard and mustache contest, and fun events for the kids. Find out more information here.
  • Orinda Annual Classic Car Show: The event is located in Orinda, California in September. There is fun the day before, also. The Car Show benefits local charities. Find out more information here.
  • Chester’s Annual Classic Car & Truck Show: The show is located in Chester, New Jersey in June. The historic streets of Chester provide the perfect location for hosting this type of event. Find out more information here.

Call National Dispatch Today!

We understand that your classic car is of great sentimental value to you. After all, history is priceless, and some models are not even made anymore. You may be nervous about shipping your car a long distance with a stranger, but National Dispatch is a leading provider of auto transport services. It is our goal to ship your vehicle in the safest, fastest manner possible without incident.

We have years of experience in the industry, shipping hundreds of vehicles for many different individuals all across the United States. We provide door-to-door transport, so we will do our best to come directly to you. In addition, you may choose to have your classic vehicle shipped in an enclosed transport truck for the utmost protection. We also have the equipment and manpower to ship non-operable vehicles.

Taking the first step is easy. Call us today at 800-321-2051 to speak with one of our knowledgeable staff members about the auto transport process. You may also go to for a free, instant car shipping quote. We look forward to hearing from you!

Car Buying: Everything You Must Know

Buying a new car is not a decision that you will make lightly. It requires much thought and preparation. First, you must decide if investing in a new vehicle is the right move for you. Maybe, the vehicle is no longer worth the extra time, energy, and resources for maintenance or maybe the car does not suit your needs anymore. Whatever the reason is, there is a lot to know about the car buying process before driving one off the lot.

Before embarking in this process, any person would want to know if their current vehicle is a good investment or a lost cause. Therefore, we have provided a few useful tips on how to know when it is time for a new automobile. In addition, we will discuss the differences between buying used and new, list the necessary steps for buying a vehicle, and talk about purchasing a vehicle online. Lastly, you will find information on auto transport, in case you are buying an automobile out-of-state.

Should You Buy A New Car?

Are you someone who is desperately holding on to their car, hoping to get more miles out of it? There is nothing wrong with driving your automobile for ten years or more, as long as it still functions as it should. However, when your car no longer performs to the best of its ability, it becomes a money trap for constant repairs.

You may not be looking forward to a new car payment if your current vehicle is already paid off. With reoccurring maintenance and repairs, a car payment may start to look appealing. There are a number of reasons why it may be time to start looking for a new automobile.

Here are a few things that might point to needing a new car:

  • Safety is becoming an issue. If you fear that your vehicle may breakdown and leave you stranded, then it is an unreliable form of transportation. It is better to spend the extra money on replacing the vehicle with something safer than to constantly worry if your car is going to be able to get you to work or not.
  • Repair costs are adding up. Repairing problem after problem can become costly and time-consuming. If it seems like your automobile is in constant need of a fix, it is time to start thinking about getting another vehicle.
  • It no longer suits your needs. Lifestyle changes are a reason why many individuals choose to buy new cars. A person who is taking a job farther away from home will want to trade in that gas-guzzler for a more fuel-efficient vehicle. Similarly, that two-door sports car that you bought back in college no longer fulfills your needs with a growing family. There is no room for a car seat, so it may be time to trade in for a more family-friendly alternative.
  • The interior/exterior of the vehicle is falling apart. Holes in the floor, leaks in the sunroof, ripped fabric, and knobs falling off the doors and windows are obvious signs of excessive wear and tear. If your friends and family are ashamed to be seen riding around town with you, it is time to get a new car.
  • Fuel efficiency has decreased. Older cars are less fuel efficient. If you see yourself taking more trips to the gas pump, it is a clear sign that you are not getting as many MPG as you used to. These trips add up in costs, so consider upgrading to a newer model.

New Vs. Used: Picking The Best Option For You

Once you have finally decided to replace your vehicle, the next step in the car buying process is choosing New or Used. There are advantages and disadvantages to buying each. We will look at both sides, so that you can make a decision that best fits your needs.

Buying New:

  • Pro: Manufacturer’s Warranty. Many new vehicles come with a manufacturer’s warranty of 3-years, 60,000 miles or a 10-year, 100,000 miles powertrain (engine and transmission) warranty.
  • Pro: Latest Technology/Customization. Purchasing new means that you have the option to customize your automobile with all of the latest technology. This would include heated seats, backup assist, keyless entry and pushstart, WiFi hotspot, and many more.
  • Pro: No concern over previous ownership. Buying a new vehicle right off the lot means that you are the only one that has driven it, with exception of on and off the truck. You are the first owner, so there is no need to worry about the condition of the vehicle before you bought it.
  • Con: Depreciation. An automobile loses value as soon as you drive it off the lot. By the time you pay off the car loan, the car is going to be worth significantly less than what you bought it for due to depreciation.
  • Con: Higher Costs. Obviously, a new vehicle is going to have a higher down payment and higher monthly payment. The insurance premium will also cost more, because the replacement cost of the vehicle is higher.

Buying Used:

  • Pro: Lower Costs. The cost of a used vehicle is all-around less expensive. It has a cheaper price tag, and it will cost less to insure.
  • Pro: No Initial Depreciation. Since the automobile is not new, you will not take the initial loss in value like you would in buying new. However, purchasing a newer used vehicle will still depreciate in value over time.
  • Con: Reliability Stigma. A used vehicle may have had many owners before you, and you do not know how the car was cared for while in their possession. This is why it is important to run a history report on the vehicle before purchasing.
  • Con: Lack of Warranty. Although there are warranty options available for used cars, you may purchase a used vehicle without any warranty.

Steps For Car Buying

Now, you are ready to begin the search for your new set of wheels. The car buying process is extensive, so we have broken it down into 5 simple steps. Below, you can find the steps for purchasing a car:

  1. Look at your budget. How much can you afford to spend? Take time to sit down and calculate numbers. If you are taking out a car loan, your car payment should be no more than twenty percent of your take-home income. Aim to pay less if you are on a tighter budget. When trading in your vehicle, use sites, such as Kelly Blue Book and National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) to show you what your car’s value is. When punching numbers, remember that purchasing a used car may require extra maintenance in comparison to buying new. Therefore, you should take this into consideration, and think about setting aside a spare fund.
  2. Research and build a list. Start by outlining the must-have features you cannot live without. If your current automobile no longer suits your needs, think about what your future vehicle needs to have to better fit your lifestyle. Consider more than one brand to leave your options open. Read reviews, and narrow down the choices to make a final decision.
  3. Check prices. After you have narrowed down the choices to one or two of your favorites, it is time to check prices. Research how much the average person pays for the cars in your area, so you do not overpay. TrueCar is one such site for looking up pricing on both new and used models.
  4. Used Cars – Vehicle History Report. Unless you are buying an automobile from someone you know and trust, you should conduct a vehicle history report before purchasing a used car. This can save you money in the future. The report tells you if the vehicle was involved in any accidents or had any major repairs. CarFax and AutoCheck are two resources you can use to get this information. All that is typically required is either the VIN or license plate number of the car.
  5. Contact the Seller. Call the seller, and ask questions. They may mention something about the car that was not advertised. Set up an appointment to see and test-drive the vehicle. Take it for a spin. It may look good on paper, but you may have a different impression when you are sitting behind the wheel. Once you are ready to make a purchase, sign the necessary paperwork. Then, the automobile is yours to take home.

Buying A Car Online

Today, several dealerships have online sales departments that assist website visitors with the online car buying process. The process for buying an automobile online is similar to purchasing a vehicle at a dealership. It is still important to budget, research, check prices, and obtain a vehicle history report. However, you can do all this from the comfort of your own home.

Purchasing a car online means that you do not have to deal with pushy salespeople. It also means that you can expand your range of options outside of your local area. You can look at cars out-of-state that may be less expensive. This could save you money, even after you include the cost to ship the vehicle to you. A downside to buying online is that the processes of registration and car titles for out-of-state vehicle are a bit more complicated. Also, you may not be able to test-drive the car if it is not located within driving range.

Here are a few pointers to help guide you in the process:

  • Verify the seller’s credibility. Review the seller’s website. Read reviews to ensure that it is someone that you would want to buy a car from.
  • Get your questions answered. Many company’s have live chat options available, in which you can communicate with a representative. You can also communicate via email. Ask for additional information on the automobile, as well as photographs of the interior and exterior.
  • Know the price. Ask the seller for a quote on the car you are interested in. Ask the company to list out all fees. This way you can budget and plan, accordingly.

Auto Transport

If the automobile you recently purchased is located a few states away, you may hire an auto transport company. Making an out-of-state purchase may have already been a better financial decision. Therefore, you have room in the budget to get the vehicle shipped to you. Hiring an auto transport company saves you time and energy.

Whether you bought from an individual, dealership, or car auction website, the vehicle must get to you somehow. Why not get it shipped? National Dispatch is a top provider of auto transport services in the industry. We ship vehicles anywhere in the United States and provide many services to meet your needs. Our mission is to get our customer’s cars where they need to go in a safe and timely manner.

Here are a few of the services that we offer that may be of interest to you:

  • Door-to-door transport. With door-to-door transport, we will ship the vehicle directly from the seller to you. All you have to do is sign for the car upon arrival. It is that simple.
  • Open auto transport. Our open auto transport option is the most popular way to transport a vehicle. The car will be transported on an open-air carrier with up to eight other cars.
  • Enclosed auto transport. If you are the owner of a luxury, exotic, or classic model, you may opt for enclosed auto transport. This option provides an extra shield of safety for vehicles with high-end paint jobs. The enclosed carrier protects the vehicle from a variety of weather and road conditions.

Go to our website at for a full list of the services we offer. Getting a free, instant online car shipping quote is easy. Fill out our simple, online quote calculator on our website. It only requires four fields: vehicle make, vehicle model, pickup location, and delivery location. You will receive your quote in seconds without any personal information required. You can also call us 800-321-2051. We look forward to hearing from you!