What Are The Most Common Mistakes You Can Avoid While Transporting Your Car?
Anyone seeking the best auto transport service or who has previous car shipping issues will greatly benefit from this blog. Read further to understand the most common mistakes you can avoid while transporting your car.
What Do Car Transportation Companies Really Do?
Car transportation companies haul significant numbers of vehicles from one place to another. Although often associated with cars, they also carry SUVs, vans, trucks, military vehicles, and motorcycles. Have you ever wondered where stock vehicles on a car dealership come from? They were all brought there by a car transport company.
Does Anybody Else Utilize Car Transport Companies?
Yes, scores of people for a variety of reasons. Here is a partial list.
- Brick and Mortar auto dealerships
- Online vehicle purchasing companies
- Antique and show vehicle auction companies
- Private collectors
- Professional racecar drivers
- Used vehicle dealerships
- Motorcycle and ATV dealerships
- Vehicles that are no longer running
- Vehicle repossession companies
- Military vehicle owners
What Are Some Common Problems That Occur During Transportation?

The problems will be discussed in this section, followed by the suggested solutions. If you are new to the car transportation business, pay strict attention to the content.
- Delays in shipments due to negligence
This happens more often than one might realize. During transportation, one or more vehicles may get damaged due to negligence. There can be minor damage, such as scratches or chips in the paint. Or it could be something worse like horrible dents or a brand-new tire going flat.
How to Avoid This
The best auto transport companies make sure there is plenty of room between vehicles on the auto carrier. That way, if there are any rough bumps on the roadways, the vehicles will not collide with each other. Also, ensuring each vehicle is adequately secured on the carrier and inspecting the carrier itself for sharp objects such as nails or glass fragments before moving the vehicles onto it.
- Lack of Preparation for Transporting Vehicles
Before loading the vehicles onto the carrier, you will probably have an itinerary detailing locations and when they need to be delivered. – this itinerary needs to be conveyed to the transporter. The vehicles must be loaded on the transporter in order of delivery. This involves a great deal of planning.
How to Avoid the Problem?
Be aware of the itinerary and be sure to convey the list to the transporter. That way, you avoid shifting the vehicles off and on the transport. Doing this will significantly reduce the chances of automobiles being damaged.
Also, you do not want to deliver the wrong vehicle to a customer. Therefore, you must pay strict attention to the itinerary. Once again, detailed preparation is essential to succeed in this industry.
- Sudden, unplanned car transport booking
Transportation of vehicles can be a time-sensitive undertaking. While you want to make good on your promises, you don’t want to drive excessively fast risking an accident.
What Can You Do About This?
Do not accept last-minute bookings. Although you want to accommodate all customers, late bookings can delay your delivery time of other vehicles to all customers. Be transparent. Explain to the late-comers that it would be best for everyone to wait a little longer and deliver their vehicle in a timely manner.
Another method to avoid late deliveries is planning your trip more efficiently. Leave plenty of travel time for unexpected delays along the route.
- Failure to Include Proper Insurance Coverage
This is critical. You can never predict when a mishap will occur, despite your best efforts. If you are not properly insured for all the vehicles you are about to carry, you could find yourself in a heap of trouble.
How to Avoid the Problem?
Before transporting any vehicles on a particular trip, ask the owner of the vehicle to show you valid proof of insurance. This is needed for every auto or motorcycle on your route. Do not make exceptions. This is your livelihood.
In addition to the vehicles, you must have insurance coverage for yourself. What if an auto falls on you during your attempt to maneuver it? What if a catastrophe strikes during a trip, and you cannot deliver ANY of the cars? In that case, you personally could be fired or even sued. Cover yourself at all times just like the best auto transport companies do.
- Lack of Sufficient Communication with the Transport Person
This is one of the worst problems facing both auto transport service providers and their clients alike. It can seriously hamper the service-providing company’s business and ultimately ruin its reputation. For this reason, it is imperative to resolve any problems before they get out of hand.
How to Resolve These Incidents (for consumers)?
If you take proper precautions, the issue mentioned above can be avoided, even before it begins.
- First, hire a company that is considered to be the best auto transport service provider. They will know what steps to take to make communications smooth and thorough.
- Next, have every detail spelled out in writing, and be certain both of you abide by them.
- Test any communications equipment before the journey to ensure everything is working correctly.
- Have an in-depth conversation before they leave your premises. Be sure they completely understand what is expected of them.
- Bad Documentation Practices
Are you confused by what this means? Allow us to clarify this for you. There should be proper documentation for every vehicle you are transporting. This might well involve some research. Spell out every necessary detail, including any defects that were on the car when you received it.
Another documentation mistake comes into play with the company you hire. Before hiring them, ask for proof that they know what they are doing and for references. Remember, every vehicle they will haul is worth tens of thousands of dollars. You do not want a novice handling your deliveries. The best auto transport companies will understand this and willingly comply.
What Does the Future Hold for the Best Auto Transport Companies?
The future for auto transportation is exceptionally bright. Years ago, that might not have been the case. It was not too common for vehicles to be transported anywhere back then. Not only that, but the available services were slow and few and far between.
Things have now changed big time In today’s world, there are many reasons vehicles get transported. This has opened up a whole new business industry and jobs for people who know what they are doing. As time moves forward, we can expect further expansion of this industry.
Final Thoughts…
The timing is absolutely right for entry into the world of the best auto transport businesses. Now is the time to establish yourself and ensure you know what it takes to avoid costly mistakes.
If you want to get into the niche of auto vehicle transportation, you will need a reliable company to call upon. Contact National Dispatch Auto Transport now! We have the expertise and documented experience to provide you with the best auto transport services on the continent!
If you require vehicle transportation services for any reason, this is the source to go to. We are definitely considered the best auto transport business anywhere in the United States. Give us a call today. We will help you have your vehicles hauled properly and provide you with excellent service. If the auto business is your livelihood, you can count on us to help you facilitate it. We will never let you down!